Portes ouvertes, pour toutes les sections, le 20 janvier 2024 de 10h Ă  16h

🎭 4th Grade Students Shine on Stage with Romeo and Juliet

4th Grade Students Shine on Stage with Romeo and Juliet

🎭 4th Grade Students Shine on Stage with Romeo and Juliet

Last Friday, our 4th-grade students transported the audience into the world of Shakespeare with a stunning performance of Romeo and Juliet. With passion and dedication, they brought to life the iconic characters of this timeless tale of love and tragedy.

The meticulous staging, elegant costumes, and palpable emotion in every dialogue captivated the audience. This show is the result of months of rehearsals, during which our young actors refined their craft under the careful guidance of their theater teacher.

A huge round of applause to our students for this unforgettable performance, which will remain in our memories! 👏✹

Scene from Romeo and Juliet Young actors on stage Emotion and intensity in the actors' performances Duel and tension on stage An immersive stage production Final bows of the actors

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